Posted by Gear Geek on 1st Dec 2021

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Gear Geek Christmas Wishes

Posted on 1 December 2021

‘Have yourself a Merry little Christmas’… With these simple words we would like to slow down and take a moment to reflect upon everything we’ve been through this year. It’s not a secret that this year, and the year before that, have been quite challenging not only for businesses but for everybody – children, and adults alike. We’ve been through the lockdown, the social distancing, the weird and somewhat lonely Christmas, birthdays, and other celebrations. It’s been a challenge for most of us – not being able to see our loved ones, our friends, our families. ‘How did we do it?’, we ask ourselves and to be quite honest, nobody really knows the answer to this question. We just did.

But let’s not dwell on the past, shall we? It’s Christmas and that’s a cause not only for celebration, but for showing love, care, and gratitude. So, first of all, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and from every single team member in our company for your continuous support. We can’t even begin to explain how much we value your trust and belief that you put in us. It’s been quite a journey throughout this year, but we made it, and we are so happy that you stuck by our side no matter what. We feel so privileged to be a part of your life, and we wouldn’t change it for the world.

"Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given a long time ago."

- Tom Baker

So, this year, when you find yourself in front of a dining table on Christmas day, we’ve got one last thing, one simple favour to ask you. It’s something so small but meaningful, and completely unrelated to us – please, tell your loved ones you love them. No matter how cheesy and awkward that might sound, this is the time to say it, express it, show it. Christmas time is believed to be magical, and with good reason, whether you believe in Santa or not. So, with all those decorations starting to appear, with Christmas music constantly playing on the radio, and general Christmas spirit taking over, make sure you make some room in your heart for warmth and love. Don’t let the crazy Christmas-gift-buying rush occupy the entirety of your mind. Breathe and everything will fall into the right place.

Now, we can’t let you leave without some Christmas wishes, can we? We hope that this New Year brings mostly happiness and joy into your life. We know you can’t avoid sorrows, but you can learn to live with them, take them one at a time, accept them and most importantly, learn from them. We hope you grow to be the best version of yourself, everyday becoming better and better, learning to love everything that’s around you, including yourself. We hope you stay happy and bring a smile into other people’s lives. We hope every day presents itself as an opportunity, and not a challenge. And above everything else, we hope you keep spreading love, that you won’t give up on it, ‘cause we’re definitely not planning to!

With all this being said, we wish you a happy and warm Christmas. Let the Christmas spirit guide you during this wintery season. And as per tradition, we hope you’re spending this magical time with your loved ones, surrounded by care and support. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Gear Geek resources in the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new and exciting products.

Thank you!