Posted by Gear Geek on 23rd Jul 2021

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How to Make the Most of Smart Technology

Posted on 23rd July 2021

Smart technology is a huge part of our lives. How often do you see people wearing smart watches or using some other smart gadget to improve their day-to-day life? Let us answer this question for you. Almost always! We can’t imagine living without the newest technological inventions. And how could we when it’s so convenient and easy to use? That’s right. Easy. New doesn’t have to mean difficult. So, let’s check out a few easy ways we can use our smart technology to our advantage.

Educate yourself

The days of one computer per whole classroom or even school are in the past. Nowadays, with so much more new technology available, there isn’t much we cannot do. Projectors, interactive whiteboards, special software, you name it – there’s anything and everything on the market – you just have to be inventive and innovative.

With this new and exciting way for the children to learn, they can pick up languages, history, maths, or any other subject in a matter of weeks or even days. Say you want to check their knowledge on a particular topic – you won’t be able to find a better assessment software than Kahoot! With this app, all you will have to do is create some questions and let students or even your own children to answer these questions using their phones – chances are, they are carrying those with them anyway.

And if you are really looking to boost your language skills, you can always use such apps as Duolingo or Babbel. It’s suitable not only for children, but also for adults, so you can work on those skills while you’re commuting or waiting for a friend. We end up carrying our phones with us everywhere anyway, so why not to make good use of it? It’s never been so easy to learn!

Be on track with your diet and exercise

If you like to stay on top with all the newest technological inventions, you most likely own a smart watch. And if you don’t – we highly recommend you invest in one. Smart watches are incredibly easy to use – in most cases they connect to your phone via Bluetooth. They are very convenient, as you can get notifications, messages, phone calls directly through your watch – all without you needing to reach for your phone.

Moreover, they are great for tracking your diet and exercise habits. Oftentimes the watches have a built-in pedometer and other useful features. If not, all you need to do is download an app onto your smartphone, install it and enjoy the benefits that come with it. With this you can track pretty much anything you desire – how many calories you’ve burned, your heartbeat, or even your body temperature! How amazing is that? With smart watches you can truly stay on top of your fitness game.

"Science and technology multiply around us. To an increasing extent they dictate the languages in which we speak and think. Either we use those languages, or we remain mute".

- J.G. Ballard

Control your house with your voice

Now, let’s talk about something a little bit more complex. Don’t worry, it’s still relatively easy to use. It’s just daunting, because it’s new. We’re talking about home automation. Imagine if everything you own could connect to the Internet, not only your laptop or your smartphone, but everything: your alarm clock, blinds, speakers, heaters – everything you can imagine. That would be pretty neat, wouldn’t it? But what if we told you that this is not science fiction or far future, that’s the reality and it’s happening as we speak. You can actually do it!

Home automation is probably one of the most convenient but also expensive things on this list. Let’s be honest here – getting a speaker that can dial your relative on command or turn on the music when you tell it to do so is easy, but having advanced cameras installed? We’re talking real money and effort here. However, let’s focus on something more affordable, like Google Assistant or Amazon’s Alexa. That’s when you get to control your house without needing to do much at all. It’s so simple – all you need to do is to create a pairing, and you’ll be able to turn on the TV without the remote, call your grandma without picking up the phone or turn off the lights without having to get up from the couch – all with the power of your own voice. It’s so convenient it would be a shame if we didn’t use it to its full potential.

Smart devices are so much more helpful than we think they are but it all depends on how much we know about them and whether we know how to use them. Using smart technology in a smart way will only bring benefits to our daily life, so that we can focus on more important things like self-improvement, work, exercise and staying healthy.

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Gear Geek resources in the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new and exciting products.

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