Posted by Gear Geek on 7th Apr 2021

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Introducing... Chic Geek

Posted by Adam Walters, Founder of Gear Geek, 7 April 2021.

What is Chic Geek?

Chic Geek is a sub-brand of Gear Geek, set to be launched on 1st May, offering our customers the latest, trending fashion products that have a technological edge to them. We feel there is a gap in the market for this kind of combination, and given the success of Gear Geek, we believe Chic Geek can be the perfect accompaniment to our main brand and can offer our customers new and exciting fashion products so they can look and feel their best self. Thus, we want to shake up the fashion market by leading the way in providing fashionable products using the cutting-edge of technology, while maintaining our mission to keep our products affordable and accessible. Chic Geek is fundamentally, like Gear Geek, a cutting-edge, innovative and game-changing brand.

We intend to incorporate a Health and relaxation section into Chic Geek, where we can offer our customers not just fashionable products, but also products for spirituality and mental health, about improving one's mind, body and soul. As always, our customers are our top priority, and so we want our customers to able to look and feel their best, both physically and mentally, and given how mental health has now taken on even greater importance, we want to help our valued customers take care of their mental wellbeing.

The Chic Geek Mission

The Chic Geek mission is: to enable individuals to stand fiercely confident in their skin and be who they were always meant to be. Chic Geek is a progressive dynamic brand always leaning into the future of fashion, wellbeing, spirituality and technology. We want to help our customers be their best, and feel their best- no matter their individual circumstances.

Like with Gear Geek, Chic Geek is fully committed to making fashion, and fashionable technology, available and accessible to the broadest possible range of individuals. We all know how the big fashion brands can get away with charging extortionate prices for products that really could be cheaper elsewhere, and we at Chic Geek want to provide fashion products that are always affordable and accessible, yet stylish, trending and innovative.

As with Gear Geek, Chic Geek is passionate about only sourcing our products from ethical producers thanks to our diligent and conscientious suppliers. Moreover, given this is something the fashion industry often struggles with, we pledge to reduce our carbon footprint so that we can offer our customers fashionable, exciting products that don't- literally- cost the earth!

"Being your true self is the most effective formula for success there is".

- Danielle Laporte.

Designed by people with lived experience

Crucially, Chic Geek has been designed, and is being directed by, people with lived experience of the fashion world. Our superb Chic Geek team have a keen interest in incorporating technology with fashion, and are passionate about the importance of self-care and looking after our mental wellbeing to enable us to be our best selves both mentally and physically. We have a dedicated team of professionals, who are also keen fashion and wellbeing consumers themselves, who live and breathe our products to help us construct the best possible brand, and to offer our customers life-changing products that can help transform both their mental and physical health.

We also have a committed social media team who will be launching more information on all-things Chic Geek very soon, so be sure to keep tabs on all our social media pages for that (details available on the Gear Geek website). At Chic Geek we are all about the future, about enabling our customers to forget what's gone before and to only focus on being their personal best going forward, that's why our Chic Geek team will be 100% focused on providing our customers with fashionable products using the latest, cutting-edge technology, that they themselves have tested and approved. Our Chic Geek team love our products, and we are confident you will too! We are on a fashion and technology journey, and we want to bring you along with us, as the happiness of our customers is always our No.1 priority. So join us!

Watch this space as Chic Geek is coming through! Be sure to watch out for our launch on 1st May on the Gear Geek website, and follow our social media pages for more information on all-things Chic Geek until then and beyond! Thank you for reading!

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Chic Geek, and Gear Geek, resources over the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new an exciting products coming your way very soon! Watch out for Chic Geek's launch on 1st May!

Thank you!