Posted by Gear Geek on 14th Aug 2020

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Starting a new job is one of those things that we all have to do once in a while, especially if you’re the ambitious sort of person who is always looked to progress their career in the right direction. The only problem with a new job is that you can end up being not all that useful to begin with as your productivity takes a nosedive during the bedding in period.

To get yourself off to a flying start why not take a look at a few hints and tips from the productivity experts, and you’ll be up and running in no time at all.

Come Prepared

On your first day you want to make the most of the time that your new colleagues are able to give you, and to do that you’ll need to come prepared. A packed lunch, notepad, pen, and a willingness to learn are everything you’re going to need to make the right impression on the first day. And if you think impressions aren’t all that important then think again.

The faster you earn the trust of your colleagues and bosses, the faster you’ll be able to power ahead and show the new team what you can really do.

Ask the Right Questions

No one likes someone who comes across as a know it all, so make sure to be deferential to your colleagues as they show you the ropes. Being productive in work isn’t all about powering through spreadsheets at your desk and typing out emails on the train home to show willing.

It’s also about building lasting and productive relationships with the people you’re going to be spending a large chunk of your time with. Invest in these relationships early on and you’ll reap the rewards in the form of increased responsibility and productivity in next to no time.

Master the Basics

At your old place you knew where the printer paper was kept, you knew who to speak to when you needed an invoice raising last thing on a Friday; you knew how to get stuff done. You’ll benefit massively if you invest time and effort in building up the same database of knowledge and network of helpful contacts if you do the same here. Whilst any one piece of information may not make all that much difference, if you get enough of them you’ll be able to cruise through the working day in no time at all.

Take Nothing Personally

If you’re used to being the go-to person in your old office, don’t assume that that will be the case the moment you walk in the door. In fact, you’ll find that you’ll be far more productive much sooner if you get the chance to shadow someone who knows the place inside out.

Think of it as your own personal training plan that will pay dividends in just a couple of days or weeks. There’s no shame in it, and you’ll be all set up to make a telling contribution to the team for years to come.