Posted by Gear Geek on 22nd Sep 2020

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When you want to power through the working day and still have the energy to live a life outside of work you need to walk the tightrope that is the work life balance. Ask some people and they’ll tell you that you need a low effort job and plenty of socialising to be happy. Others will tell you that you need to go all in on your career and the leave the rest behind to get the most out of life.

As with most things in life there’s a balance to be found. It’s called the work life balance and here’s how you can make it happen…

Start the Day With a Positive

There’s far more to the work life balance than getting to the office first thing in the morning. Kicking off your day with something that makes you happy is a great way to get things started. If you get a sense of satisfaction out of answering a mountain of email before you head off to work then do it. If you like to walk the dog or have a quick gym session before getting to the office then do that instead. There’s no right or option, just choose something that gives you a sense of satisfaction and you’ll feel all the better for it.

Working Set Hours is a Great Option

When you want to ensure you get the most from the working day, it’s not all about working all the hours on the clock. Setting yourself a block of time may seem a bit rigid, but it will actually allow you to focus your efforts in a more productive manner. If you want to be able to power through your correspondence before gliding seamlessly into report writing mode then set hours could be just what you need to push you along. Just remember to add a little flexibility at the end of the day. Working an extra 15 minutes is no big deal. And if you have everything sorted then why not leave a little early if you can?

Know When to Switch Off

Every job requires different hours, but there’s not a job out there that won’t benefit from you switching off. Going out for a meal with friends? Leave your phone in the car to avoid the temptation to check your email. Quiet night in with a takeaway? Leave your phone on the side and watch a movie. You’ll feel refreshed from the short break from work, and stuff will have happened that’s worth checking by the time you get into work for the next day.

List Your Goals

The work life balance isn’t about marginalising work, and it’s not about making it the centre of your life. Writing down a list of goals is a great way to strike the right balance. Most people benefit from having 3 clearly defined goals. You could make one of them work related, another could be planning for next year’s holiday, and your last one will work great if you link it to a hobby. Perhaps it’s time to start training for that marathon you always said you’d run?