Posted by Gear Geek on 3rd Jan 2021

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Welcome to 2021!

Posted by Adam Walters, Founder of Gear Geek, 18 January 2021.

Our mission statement

Bill Gates once said: "I'm not in competition with anyone but myself. My goal is to improve myself continuously". Likewise, we at Gear Geek are relentlessly focused on self-improvement, which for us is continually ensuring that our customers receive the latest, in-demand tech gadgets at the most affordable prices. This is what drives and motivates us, and we put our customers at the heart of our business. We are forward-thinking in everything we do, and we want to be at the forefront of tapping into the latest, pioneering technology, and selling them at affordable prices, to promote a level-playing field where everyone can access new technological essentials in this ever-changing world.

Our aim is to be an an adaptable and dynamic business that is led by how the world is changing, we want to be a leading light in the digital revolution and bring our customers along with us. Profits look after themselves if you look after your customers first, and this is a mantra we live by. This approach is why we have hundreds of thousands of loyal customers who love our pioneering products that draw on the most thought-provoking minds in technology, and the cutting-edge of innovation.

Our customers are always our top priority

Recently, we rebranded and while our name may have changed, our strong commitment to our customers certainly has not. Our customers have been with us from the start of our business journey, and we wouldn't have grown and developed how we have without them. That's why we pride ourselves on providing high-quality customer service, and sell only products we know and trust, at the most affordable prices on the market. We reward our loyal, valued customers with various offers and discounts also, to thank them for the trust they place in us for their technological needs and wants.

Everything is changing in the world right now, and time waits for no-one, so we are constantly moving forward, leaning into the future, catering for our customer's needs and wants no matter what. We will constantly adapt to every situation, no matter how challenging, to stay ahead of the curve. We always analyse current trends, and ensure our customers get the products they need and want most, in any particular moment.  

"Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity- not a threat".

- Steve Jobs.

How we move forward

These are uncertain times for us all, and everyone is experiencing significant challenges right now. We at Gear Geek want to assure our customers that we are here for them every step of the way. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we have never stopped providing our customers with the the technology they need and want, and we haven't broken our commitment to affordable prices for all. This will not change going forward either. We believe we all must look out for each other in these difficult times- we are all on a journey, Gear Geek is on a journey, and we want to bring our customers along with us.

As the pandemic has moved many more people towards home-working, and more resources becoming digitalised, we at Gear Geek appreciate the need for the latest, innovative technology has never been greater, and these trends are here to stay. That's why we will continue to be there for our customers and lead the march towards accessible, affordable and pioneering technology for all. As according to Moore's Law, technological advancement will keep on doubling every two years, and we will always be ready to embrace that change and help our customers embrace it too. Change is nothing to be feared of, and we at Gear Geek view it as an opportunity for self-improvement in our business efficiency and strengthening our ethics, and for the technological enrichment of all our customers' lives.

We hope you have enjoyed this brief summary of where we were, where we are now, and where we are going as a business. No matter the challenge, Gear Geek will keep doing what we do best, and our customers will remain at the core of everything we do.

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Gear Geek resources in the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new and exciting products coming your way soon.

Thank you!