Posted by Gear Geek on 7th Oct 2021

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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Car

Posted on 7th October 2021

We all know a thing or two about the New Year’s resolutions. We like to make them, that’s for sure, but do we intend to keep them when the time actually comes? Of course, at the very beginning we stick to them, follow them rigorously and make sure we stay on track. But then, after a few weeks, we just abandon them silently. Hopefully it’s not going to turn out this way, ‘cause this time we’re not looking at the New Year’s resolutions for ourselves, but for our car instead.

A car is just like a human being, it needs maintenance and nurturing, otherwise car gods tend to turn away from us which usually causes a series of issues we’re usually unprepared for. And rightly so, this should probably teach us that taking care of our car is important and absolutely necessary, so let’s look at the 3 New Year’s resolutions you can make to enhance your driving experience.

Keep up the maintenance

As we have already mentioned, maintaining your car is essential. We know that sometimes you’re inclined to just ignore that warning dashboard light, or worse, you might want to leave it for later, when something else goes wrong in your car but that’s never a good idea. The problems will just pile up and you’ll end up with a huge bill to pay for the maintenance.

There are a few things you should never skip: oil changes, brake care, tire care, and your car’s air filter. All of them are absolutely mandatory for your car to work well. Just think about it – if your oil becomes old or runs out, the most important part of your car, your engine, might fail. And that will definitely cause more hustle rather than changing your oil once in a while. So, realistically, you should think about long-term effect that not maintaining your car properly might cause, not the short-term solution. At the end of the day, you’ll spend more money on fixing the problems, rather than preventing them in the first place.

Keep your car clean

Now, we know that for some of us cleaning a car is not big of a deal. In fact, some of us might even like it, that’s why we do it regularly. However, for the rest of the population, for those who just can’t stand the idea of cleaning up their car, here’s a little reminder – you have to do it if you want your car to ride well. Maybe in the past couple of weeks you have noticed that you’re spending more on petrol and the reason behind that might be that your car’s a little overweight. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to go to the gym and there is a simple solution to that – get rid of all the excess stuff you don’t need in your car.

Moreover, you want to start the New Year fresh, so we assume you want your car to look this way too. Get rid of all the junk that you’ve accumulated over the year (or however long you went without cleaning your car), hoover the inside of your car, clean your windows – you’ll see the world in different colours, that we promise.

"Most people will passively do exactly what they did last year. Whatever you do, don't let that person be you."

- Richie Norton

Drive carefully

We can’t stress this enough, but distracted driving is reckless and dangerous. And we’re not talking just about being on your phone, texting, scrolling through social media, but general distractions that take your attention away from the road. Fix up your mirrors before you start moving, check the GPS and set up your favourite radio channel before you hit the gas pedal. We’re not even mentioning drinking and eating, which can not only lead to a mess in your car (and we want to keep in clean, remember?), but in an unlucky scenario, it might also result in some very dangerous driving. Just stop for a second and ask yourself – is it even worth it?

Another thing worth abandoning or ‘leaving in the past’ is road rage and aggressive driving. This very often leads to accidents and worsened mood, which in turn, can significantly affect your style of driving. If another driver is getting on your nerves, just take a deep breath and try to relax. Getting into an argument with somebody you don’t even know is a bad idea, it’s simply not even worth it. It will not only ruin your day but make your passengers (if you happen to have any) feel uncomfortable. So, at the end of the day – would you even want to do it? Especially if you’re commuting in the morning, why ruin the atmosphere? We understand that it might be difficult to control your anger sometimes, especially when somebody cuts you up, but let them be, they won’t hear your swearing and shouting in their car anyway.

As you can see, these proposed resolutions are not too difficult to follow. All you need to remember, is to stay mindful on the road, maintain your car and keep it clean – that’s pretty much all you need for a nice driving experience. Your car is almost like your second home – you want to make sure that it’s pleasant to get into, that you want to drive it. It’s more than just a piece of metal. It’s a part of you and your personality, so make it look its best.

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Gear Geek resources in the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new and exciting products.

Thank you!