Posted by Gear Geek on 16th Aug 2021

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Ways to Save Money While Shopping for Clothes

Posted 16 August 2021

It’s not a secret that shopping for clothes can be not only challenging but also quite expensive. We understand that more than anybody. It’s easy to get lost in all the sales, discounts, promotion codes and still end up with a huge bill at the end of it or with purchases you don’t really want. But could you possibly avoid that? Of course, and it’s not as difficult as you might think! That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips you could use to navigate your shopping expenses. Hopefully you’ll find them informative and useful.

First things first – shopping list

Honestly, it doesn’t really matter what kind of shopping you’re doing. In order to save money, you need to make a shopping list. Just take your phone and open a notes app or grab a pen and a piece of paper – the point is, you need to actually see how much you want to buy and how much you’re willing to spend. Start at the top of the list – write down everything you need for certain, things that can’t wait, things that are urgent and necessary. Winter is close and you need a new coat? That goes on the list. Your shoes get all wet when it’s raining and you just need a new pair? You know the drill. Don’t put there anything that “you might need later”. It’s not a priority. Instead, focus on things you know you will use in the immediate future.

When you’ve completed this list, you can always create another one where you’ll keep things that are not so urgent, things that you perhaps want to buy but can’t afford yet. This way you’ll create something that you would look forward to, so when you actually end up buying, it would almost feel like a reward. Just try it, and you’ll see how well that works!

Everywhere you go – compare the prices!

When you are shopping online, it’s easy to just get lost in a crazy amount of products different websites have to offer. But don’t get overwhelmed, just save the items you like the most and browse through other pages that offer similar products. Chances are, you will be able to find something at least a little bit cheaper or for a better shipping price. Don’t give up too easily, check a number of websites, check out the shipping price and timing. What we are saying is: do your research. You will undoubtedly spend some time on it but if you’re committed, a better deal will fall right into your hands.

And what if you’ve picked two items from two different websites and one of them offers a better price but another one offers free shipping? What you need to do is read the reviews and try to find out as much as you can about the product, especially if it’s something a little more expensive or something you will end up using often. You don’t want to invest is an item that will cause more trouble than good. So, just do your research and maybe get a friend to help you decide which product to go with!

"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."

- Rachel Zoe

What is your budget?

Another one of those important ones – establish your budget, so that you can avoid temptations like “spend X amount and get a FREE gift” or “spend X amount and get free shipping”. When the money’s tight and you know you can’t spend too much, this will be something that will keep you in check. Just like with a shopping list, write it down and you’ll know exactly how much you’re willing to pay for your goods.

You can go even further than this and make a list of all the items you want to buy (especially if you’re buying from multiple different shops) writing down their prices, so you can count effectively how much you’ll be spending. You’ll see how useful that actually is and it will definitely help you to save a few pounds.

As you can see, there are a few tips that might help you if you really want to save some money when you’re shopping online. You will need just a little bit of patience and time when looking through all the options the market has to offer but at the end you will be able to get a better deal out of it. Remember, don’t give up easily and do your research – we promise, it will be worth it!

Stay tuned for more useful and varied Gear Geek resources in the coming weeks and months, including guides on our new and exciting products.

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